Our vision is that of a world in which women and children enjoy their rights and freedoms and one in which women, the engine of development, are relieved of their current suffering.

Speech from the coordinator

Hello dear friends and partners. With your multiform support since its creation on September 29, 2000, the NGO CAV is working hard to improve women and children living conditions.

Allow us to express our gratitude and recognition to all of you, members, sympathizers, partners, institutions and technical services who already trust us and invite other partners to join us in the best interest of women and children. Thanks to your technical and financial support, we intervene in the following domains

  • Community Health
  • Promotion of Women and Children's Rights
  • Water and sanitation in rural areas
  • Literacy for women in rural areas
  • Fight against climate change
  •  Good Governance.

Domains of intervention

  1. Community Health ;
  2. Promotion de l’éducation de la jeune fille en milieu rural et lutte contre la traite des enfants ;
  3. Eau et Assainissement en milieu rural ;
  4. Alphabétisation des femmes en milieu rural ;
  5. Lutter contre les changements climatiques ;
  6. Good Governance.



  • Appuyer l’auto promotion des organisations des femmes en milieu rural ;

  • Promoting women's literacy and the education of young girls in rural areas;
  • Promoting women's income-generating activities;
  • Promoting village hydraulics in order to provide the population with drinking water;
  • Protecting the environment;
  • Promoting family health, the fight against STI/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis;
  • Fighting against child trafficking and child labor, and promoting children’s rights;
  • Promoting education of civil society actors on democracy and the rule of law in Togo.